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23 July 2010

Unforgettable Moments as 6th Form Student.


Greetings My Journalism readers,

Be prepared, this post is long and not fun to read. In addition, there are lots of harsh words in this post. Now you are alarmed, make your choice to read or not.

Everything change; people change, life change. That's how we live. What could possibly remain is the loyalty to your love one and the almighty god but least that I could say, sometime this change too. And now my life will change from sixth form to undergraduate student.

I still remember the time I'm about to enter the sixth form life. I was greatly nervous. I was afraid that I could not catch up with anyone, the reason is only a few SOASC dudes admitted to Berakas Sixth Form Centre(PTEB) whilst the rest to Maktab Duli(MD). Furthermore, there was little do I friend with the SOASC dudes that got admitted to the same place as mine. Realising that I am a kind who unable to be friendly to people I just meet, my mind fired up? Nope, it can't be that overwhelming excitement when you're amidst being loner. However, I have to be brave and all. Perhaps, it's time for me to grow up. =.=" Let just say, life is getting tougher!

The orientation week began, it was one of the terrifying moments in my life. None of the students in my tutor group did I recognised or ever met. It felt so lonely. Yet, it's not the end of the world, right? So, first step is to talk with anyone that you think you can be friend with such as having the similar thing like you. For instance the same behavior or passion. If there is no one, you still can be friend with the others! One thing to be kept in mind is not to trust anyone at first. That's how I started making friends. LMAO! Pathetic? Big YEAP! >.<"

And so the time flies... I was surprised that if you're in the sixth form, you will eventually started to know most of the students. This is due to the moving between classes. It wasn't like primary or secondary school where we just can stay in the class waiting for the teacher to come. Different system here in sixth form centre as every students get to choose their own subject, preferably their own interest. Thus, we will be moving into different classes and meet another new friend! The loner then get lots of friend! xD

Enough with friend thingy for now, let's move on to my subject. I am deeply interested in Business Study, Accounting and Economics. Therefore, I applied for them during the registration? *can't barely remember the time*

So here is the story, since I have no background in Economics, I must see the Head of Economics Department and BEG to get accepted to study Economics. Then, the "beg" started. >.<" At last after a lot of arguments, she accepted me. I was like YES! Finally I can study Economics! I am so excited to study Economics since my O level. However, I have to choose between Economics and Commercial Studies back then. Due to some reasons, I chose Commercial Studies and proudly to say, I got A1 in the O Level! So, it wasn't a regret. Based on this result, my passion towards Business Study got deeper. Thus, I applied to study it as well. Miss Roslin, the Head of Department and herself was my tutor was being so kind to accept me. Thank God! Then, there was nothing to worry about anymore as I'm well-qualified to take Accounting due to my result in POA.

ALERT! Harsh words contained! You may skip until the word "continue" appear. But if you insist, go ahead! xD Don't curse me for being such a bull!

I was eager to send the registration form but one BAD thing happened at that time. I was asked to take Maths by "this $#!& that i'm pissed off since*. $#!& said to me that Maths is one of the essential subjects if I want to further my study in UBD. Therefore, I made a decision to exchange Economics with Maths. >.<" Arggghhh!!! After all I've been through with the HOD of Economics, now that I have to let it go. Bull! I calmed down. "Thing happens for a reason." xD

During the maths lesson, I wasn't really concentrate as I never like Maths. >.<" It took me a lot of efforts to get a C during O Level. Now that I have to take it again??? I thought it was about choosing my own path in the future! That $#!& pretty sure turned my life upside down! I knew the fact that I still can change my subject within the two weeks of lesson commenced. BUT HELL NO I'm going to change it again. I'm not the kind of person that is brave enough to deal with a thing! >.<" Frankly saying that! Seriously, that is a fact. I'm a shy guy??? YEAP!!! -.-"So yeah, now its "SHIT happens for a reason!" I'll just have to get my head up high and ready to face maths! +.+

There was ups and downs studying maths. Frequently, I got escape slip but in fact I was absent on that days! Hence, I have to move my arse to see that $#!& again and again to clarify everything! And there $#!& goes saying it was miscommunication and misunderstanding~~~ >.< It fairly affected my focus on maths actually.

Enough saying, let just say this has become one of the unforgettable moments in my sixth form life!CONTINUE! *told you it was harsh!* Now please continue reading if you intended to know more. xD

I'm pretty happy with Business Study and Accounting lessons as the situation was different. There were motivation, feeling of being part of the class, recognition of working hard and all... In Accounting, I've experienced in making huge boat made of bottles, participated in Livewire and having Raya celebration with fellow classmates and other blocks. While in Business Study, field trips! Even more fun, we got some work in class like practising the process of Spaghetti production, making a product(mosaic for my group) and there were birthday and farewell party as well as game like something whispering thing to understand the real situation of choosing the right length of communication in a firm! xD

Well, I'm not saying that Maths and GP classes were boring. For Maths, as you know now, nothing get me excited about it. One thing in maths, study harder! >.<" GP was quite fun in the beginning but slightly making change as I lose interest to study GP from time to time. Anyhow, Miss Hassall was a very committed tutor which is good and bad thing. The good ones was it helps my English language, grammar and all to get better... Well, the cons of her being too committed was too many tasks given! >.<" Overall, she is nice, kind and great tutor! xD

Hmmm... There are still a lot to talk about but I assume you guys don't want to read it anymore. Too long? That's how much I miss sixth form life! Lots of ups and downs, the moments not to forget! Peace! V Apology for the boring post. Also, for the harsh words. >.<"

That's all!

K! Chowsz!!!

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